Money is fascinating in the sense that we all use it, but we rely on different forms of currencies to successfully buy and sell goods and services. Coins have long been used as a facet of currencies, and they are often only worth a small fraction of what it costs to make them. However, sometimes, they can be worth a lot more. Many people turn to sell their coins in Chicago to make a profit. Here are some of the most expensive coins in the world.
While the likelihood of one actually having these coins is almost none, here is a bit of interesting information.
The 1343 Edward III florin This coin was minted in 1343, so you can imagine it’s worth its $6.8 million price tag. In fact, it’s only one of three coins of its type that has survived the centuries. Pretty impressive! The 1787 Brasher Doubloon A coin worth $7.4 million? In 1787, a goldsmith named Ephraim Brasher petitioned the New York State to mint a new set of copper coins. Although the state denied his request, he continued minting coins in bronze and a select amount in 22-carat gold. One of these coins is the said coin now worth over 7 million.
The 1974/5 Flowing Hair Silver/Copper Dollar The most expensive coin in the world comes in at $10 million. This was the first dollar coin that the U.S. Federal Government issued in 1194 and 1795; it’s 10 percent copper, 90 percent silver. Back then, the coin was worth one dollar. Talk about your investment growing in value! If you are interested in selling coins in Chicago, visit the Chicago Gold Gallery today to get started. Our professionals will gladly evaluate any coins you have and give an honest appraisal. And remember DO NOT CLEAN your coins.