It is never a good idea to go blindly shopping for a diamond without doing your research. Whether you are shopping for an engagement ring or another piece of jewelry, you should know the GIA’s grading system: the 4 c’s.
The COLOR of a diamond is graded with letters. “D” means colorless; which is extremely rare. “E” and “F” are excellent, and “G” and “H” are still beautiful to look at. As you keep moving down the scale, you will notice colors, usually a yellowish tint.
CLARITY measures flaws in the diamond, also known as inclusions. You may notice clouded areas or small spots within the stone. Clarity grades start with SI (slightly included), then to VS (very slightly included) and VVS (very, very slightly included); all of which are unseen to the naked eye.
Workmanship is measured by CUT – the only grade that doesn’t look at the diamond’s natural qualities. The shape in which a stone is cut makes a difference in luminosity, and certain cuts can hide flaws better than others. The best rating for cut is “rare;” around one-third of diamonds are rated “fair,” “good” or “very good.”
CARAT measures the diamond’s weight. Your specific taste and price range will determine the carat you choose – there is no “ideal” diamond size. Some prefer a smaller stone, while some prefer a larger stone.
Knowing these facts will make the diamond buying process a little easier. With the help of a professional jeweler, you will find the perfect diamond for a loved one.