Chances are you have some items in your jewelry box that mean a lot to you, whether they were a gift from a significant other or passed down as a family heirloom. To make sure such jewelry lasts as long as possible, you have to take good care of it. Here are some cleaning and general care tips to keep your most prized jewelry in great condition:
- If the jewelry came with specific cleaning instructions, make sure to follow them.
- Lotions, soaps, and natural oils from your skin alter diamond and gem properties and can make them look dull, so clean your jewelry often.
- Clean jewelry in a secure location other than the sink – it could fall down the drain.
- Only use a soft, gentle brush to remove dirt and debris. Stay away from hard or sharp materials.
- If your jewelry is severely dirty, take it in to be cleaned professionally.
- Store delicate items in a soft bag.
- Have your pieces inspected and cleaned by a professional at least once a year – they will check for any wear.
- Choose jewelry you plan to wear during the day that fits with your schedule.
Make sure to never wear jewelry when cleaning your home, working out in the garden, exercising or swimming in a chlorinated pool. Apply lotion, perfume, hairspray and other cosmetics before putting any jewelry on. Store important items in a box lined with fabric, wrapped separately to avoid scratches.
Courtesy of the International Gemological Institute